Bon Appétit!

One of a much understated problems while traveling to a completely new place is often the edible part of the journey - the food. Often times, a completely different country with a foreign language and a strange culture – takes time to settle to. Even a small action of choosing a proper meal becomes quite a task in such times. ‘What to eat’ becomes the most sought after question as people often fear that due to aforementioned barriers, the food they shall receive on the platter won’t exactly be what they ordered or expected. However, with little endeavor, you can totally get the better off of the situation.

First and foremost, before you set out for your adventure, performing a little research on common meals, local favorite foods and specialties of the place can do wonders. That ways, you’ll know exactly what to expect when you order an explored cuisine. And you can also mention any changes you require in your food - helps if you are allergic to certain food ingredients or if you merely want to spice things up in your own manner! Another way to be food smart is to check with the locals. The hotel or resort where you are staying, the friendly locals you come across while sightseeing or your travel guide book (which is indeed a very handy book to carry) may provide insights on the food prospects of the place - take pictures or make a list.

However, you must be careful while placing an order for your food, articulations and different pronunciation may completely change meaning of what you say. Hence, while doing all the background check, it normally comes to better use if you also see how to pronounce the name. In case you find yourself in the predicament of facing a difficult name, you can rely on technology of your latest gadgets - internet, a word which everyone understands. Opt for the most sought after food places while also keeping an open mind for unexplored stops.
Eat healthy. And relish what you eat - Bon Appétit!
Travel safe. Happy traveling!